This weekend we went to one of our favorite vegan restaurants at the anti-mall when we saw a cute little store we’d never noticed before… Eco Now! They are a zero-waste shop. We’re constantly learning and growing on this sustainability journey, and this was our first time ever seeing a zero-waste shop. We ventured inside and the experience was AMAZING!
They have so many cool things, we could have stayed for hours looking around. It’s amazing because the store is on the small side, but they really pack it with a bunch of goodies! Just so you have an idea of what they have, some of the stuff on their website is biodegradable glitter, journals made from post-consumer recycled materials, plastic-free hair ties, bamboo charcoal floss, hairbrushes and combs, reusable straws, travel cutlery, bulk cleaning supplies, biodegradable dog waste bags, a bunch of personal hygiene products and so much more! If we stayed and looked at everything, I think our heads might have exploded from awesomeness-overload!

One of the coolest things is that they don’t use plastic bags. When you check out, you can purchase a reusable bag from their shop. Of course, you can also bring your own reusable bag. The bags they sell are so cute! They’re made out of a really cool material. We don’t know what it is, but it’s super cool and you can tell it’s sustainable. The bag says “Eco Now” all across it. It’s a really cute reusable bag that we will want to use because it’s so cute!

They do more within the store to prevent waste. In the center of the store, they have a table topped with jars of cleaning supplies like laundry detergent, toilet cleaners and more. You scoop out the one you want and weigh it. The fun part is what you scoop it into. They have a bunch of mason jars for sale, so buy a mason jar and scoop into that! You can always bring your own mason jar as well. We thought that was way so super cool! What a brilliant way to prevent unnecessary waste.

We just fell in love with all their glass containers. We use a lot of mason jars and glass spray bottles, and they sell SO MANY! We want all of them.
Their hygiene and self-care products were so amazing too. We want to try all of them! Jay really wants a bamboo hairbrush. They have face masks (both the kind used in facials and the ones we’ve all become accustomed to in 2020). Additionally, they have so many soap bars! Some are for your body, some are for your face, and there’s even soap bars for dishes! You get the little bamboo slab, put the soap bar on it, and then use the little brush to get the soap and wash your dishes. How cute is that? We can’t wait to go back and buy that and use that system instead of using dish soap that comes in plastic.

Back to their personal hygiene products though. They have deodorant bars and sticks with teas and aloe, reusable ear cleaners (basically sustainable Q-tips!), charcoal facial sponges, bamboo toothbrushes and zero-waste tooth powder, perfumes galore and so much more! Really, we could just go in and obsess about all these products. They’re all available on their website as well!

We just wanted to share with you all what an amazing little shop this is. How wonderful is it to find a zero-waste shop? They are really doing their part to help the environment and to help others with sustainability as well. While we’re still learning more about sustainability everyday, places like this make the task seem less daunting. We need more zero-waste shops in the world who care about the environment. Some of the things this shop does like using mason jars should become the norm!

If you live in Southern California, we definitely recommend going to check them out! We went to their location in Costa Mesa at The Lab, but they have a second location in Anaheim. If you go to The Lab, we also recommend you stop by Seabirds Kitchen if you want a delicious vegan meal! Click here to view Seabird’s Kitchen Instagram, and click here to view their website!
If you can’t visit their stores in person, you can still support their business! Check out their amazing Instagram @eco.now.ca. They also have a website where you can shop online! You can click here to visit their website or check the link in their bio on their Instagram. Their Instagram page is amazing because they post a lot of videos with sustainable tips and tricks, such as tips for how to shop sustainably at the grocery store. It’s a valuable resource for those of us searching to learn more about sustainable lifestyles!
We are so grateful we found this place. We really can’t wait to go back! Just in our first visit, we got some amazing coconut bowls (which we intend to use for nice cream in the summer), reusable makeup remover wipes, and a jar of zero-waste laundry detergent. Bit by bit, we are transforming our home into a sustainable oasis, and finding this zero-waste shop will really help us accomplish that!

We’re beyond grateful that our grief has led us to find this sustainable lifestyle journey. Our lives are continuing to evolve and change as a result of our grief journey. As we evolve, we look forward to our futures of making new friends, making new connections and of course finding new products to try! The lady who was in the store and helped us was so nice and sweet. We can’t wait to meet more kind people like her who care about the environment!
That concludes our post for today. We hope you found this helpful! Subscribe to our email list to receive notifications about our latest blog posts. We hope you will continue to follow along with our journey! Remember, every third Sunday of the month is virtual beach cleanup day! You can participate from anywhere in the world. We hope you join us! Click here to view more information about our virtual beach clean-ups.
Sending much love from our hearts to yours!
Aloha and gratitude,
Jay and Shell

This is an amazing review and post! Glad you visited the shop and our team hopes to see you again soon!